How I Can Help You

Psychological and emotional difficulties are often our response to the challenges we face every day. Whether you are experiencing anxiety, stress, worry, anger or low mood, I know that there is a good reason to feel that way, and an even better one to change it.


Some of the issues that I can help with:

Anger is a normal feeling that can be a positive emotion when it helps us work through issues or problems. But, anger can become problematic if it leads to aggression, outbursts, or even physical altercations.

Many things can trigger anger, including stress, family problems, and financial issues. For some people, emotions that haven't yet been acknowledged or expressed, can turn into frustration and lead to anger or rage. Often this puts a strain on our mental health and our relationship with others.

Before anger escalates or overwhelms us, we can use specific strategies to help us regain control. By addressing the underlying issues that may be contributing to distress, we can learn to understand and manage anger.

Feelings of stress come from things happening in your life that feel out of your control. Issues at work, the demands of family, social relationships, and financial problems are some of the leading causes of stress.

Anxiety is often the result of prolonged stress, but can develop from a variety of sources. Personal temperament, our environment. and even our genetics can lead to anxiety issues. The very encouraging news is that anxiety is very treatable. Yet, only about one third of those who have a problem with anxiety ever seek treatment.

Negative states of stress or anxiety, can have many different effects on our physical and mental health. From headaches, muscle tension and chest pains to loss of control, panic and many more. It's not always easy to recognise why you're feeling, thinking or acting the way that you are.

Anxiety and Stress have similar symptoms but the most effective therapy depends on the individual. By working together, we will identify and understand the issues at hand and what we can do about them. There are many different ways to deal with Stress and Anxiety. Together we will develop practical strategy that works for you. Helping focus your time and energy into making yourself feel better.

Chronic pain is where the pain continues beyond the original cause of injury or illness, sometimes for months or even years. The effects of chronic pain include; frequent headaches, nerve damage, arthritis and fibromyalgia to name a few.

Chronic pain puts a strain on both the body and the mind. It can be responsible for causing stress, depression and anxiety. In turn worsening the effects and the burden of the pain.

Our perceptions of pain can greatly influence our pain levels and how we manage our pain. If we are fearful, this can often lead to us avoiding situations we perceive might worsen our pain (known as fear avoidance). This avoidance can in fact worsen our symptoms over time. Therapy for chronic pain focuses on acceptance of your chronic condition, with the aim of reducing fear and anxiety around it.

Together we will work on a variety of techniques from breathing exercises to progressive muscle relaxation. These techniques will help you to reduce your stress levels, and break the stress and pain cycle.

When something or someone we love is taken away, the pain can feel overwhelming. We may experience all kinds of unexpected emotions, from shock or anger to guilt, disbelief and profound sadness. The pain of grief can also disrupt your physical health, making it difficult to sleep, eat, or find motivation. These are normal reactions to loss and the more significant the loss, the more intense your grief can be.

Coping with the loss of someone or something you love is one of life’s biggest challenges. There is no right or wrong way to deal with grief, but there are healthy ways to deal with the grieving process. Together we can work through these intense emotions and overcome obstacles to your grieving. Helping you to pick up your life and move forward.

Insomnia is the most common of all sleep disorders and one-third of all adults report insomnia symptoms. Waking too early, trouble falling asleep or experiencing ‘un-refreshing’ sleep are all signs of Insomnia. These symptoms can lead to other issues, including fatigue, mood changes and difficulty concentrating on tasks during the day.

Therapy has been proven to be among the best treatments for insomnia. We can work through a number of different approaches to help improve thoughts and behaviours around sleep.

Fear is a normal and healthy emotion that provides us with protection when we encounter actual and impending danger. But a phobia is a fear or anxiety connected to a specific object, place, situation or feeling.

Phobias arise from an unrealistic sense of a situation or object being dangerous. The person with the phobia will typically avoid the object or situation, provoking a significant fear and anxiety. As with any form of anxiety, the earlier help is sought the better. As avoidance behaviour often makes the problem more complex and disruptive to an individual’s life.

There are many different strategies for dealing with Fears and Phobias. Many people who have phobias find hypnotherapy helpful for relieving their symptoms. For others, exploring the complex underlying causes of their Fear or Phobia, helps them see it in a more realistic light. Together we will find the solution that works best for you and your situation, to overcome your fears and live a more confident life.

Self-esteem is the way we perceive and value ourselves. When we have low self-esteem we can see both ourselves and the world around us in a negative light. This opinion is often based on past experiences and beliefs we have about ourselves. While these beliefs can be misplaced, they can feel very difficult to change. We may feel unhappy and find it more difficult to cope with challenges when they come up.

Everyone will have different things in their life that affect self-esteem. For some people, self-esteem can change suddenly, for others, low self-esteem may be something they’ve lived with for a long time.

Over time low self-esteem can have a negative impact on our mental health. Motivation is often affected and you may feel low in mood, sad, or a sense of hopelessness. You might find you're starting to void people, places, or situations. Or you are self critical, and held back by your past failings.

Working together we will identify the root cause of low self-esteem. Using a variety of techniques, we will find your inner truth about who you really are and your capabilities.

Food plays a vital role in our lives. Our personal relationship with food may change from time to time, having cravings, losing our appetite or eating too much. But sometimes our relationship with food can become unhealthy. This can be detrimental to our physical and emotional health, and even be life-threatening.

Weight issues are often more complicated than they appear on the surface and the most simple solutions rarely provide a lasting change. Unhealthy relationships with food, often emerge as a way of coping with feelings of anger, sadness, depression or anxiety. Bu if left untreated over time, these issues can lead to more serious health conditions.

These issues may make it feel difficult to talk to someone. Fear plays a big part in the way eating disorders work. Whether the problem is more recent, or you’ve been dealing with it for a while, remember that you deserve support and you’re not alone.

Together we will work to interrupt any negative cycles. Identifying alternate ways of thinking about and behaving towards food. Recovery will mean changing eating behaviours. and this can feel daunting. But the purpose of therapy is to give you tools to overcome that fear and regain a healthy relationship with food and yourself.